News — January 2, 2021 at 9:48 am

Most popular Google searches in Costa Rica in 2020


From the Tico Times

Here’s what was trending in 2020 for Costa Ricans, along with a short explanation for each search:

  1. Coronavirus: OK, we’re not explaining this one.
  2. Bono Proteger: Costa Rica’s emergency financial assistance that was delivered to individuals or families who lost their jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic.
  3. Elecciones Estados Unidos 2020: Ticos apparently kept a close eye on the U.S. elections. Joe Biden defeated President Donald Trump in early November.
  4. Síntomas del coronavirus: Like the rest of the world, Costa Ricans wondered if their runny nose and headache might by symptoms of COVID-19.
  5. Zoom: Costa Rica went virtual starting in March, leading everyone to become much more acquainted with Zoom, Teams, FaceTime and unflattering webcam angles.

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