Moving to Costa Rica — June 2, 2020 at 5:22 pm

The ritual burning of the furniture on the journey to Costa Rica. Release your burdens! June 2, 2020


When you plan on making the move to Costa Rica , and you also own a house full of stuff that you have been gathering all your life. Something has to give. Sure, I gave away a lot of stuff and sold some things, But their comes a when you just have to get rid of things any way you can.

Living out in the country, having a place to burn your brush is the norm and the resulting ashes are good for the garden when worked into the soil. Clearing out your house for a big move really forces you to take stock of things. Trying to get rid of all my excess possessions was a stressful and sometime overwhelming undertaking. There were some things I couldn’t burn because they were made of synthetics But anything made of just wood was fair game for the burn pile.

Fire is a primitive element it plays a big role in many spiritual rituals. For me watching the embers rise up to the sky represented freedom. It was a celebration of being one step closer to Costa Rica!

“He who rides the sea of the Nile must have sails woven of patience.” William Golding

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